The idea of the proposed Brand was to combine in a single symbol two parts of the same place: the Palace (Vertemate Franchi), understood as "container" and its interior, or the "content", a museum and a laboratory with many functions.
In addition we tried to give a shape that could evoke the geometric regularity of the architecture of the building, the historical period of its construction, the dynamism and the modernity with which the place will be transformed (from museum to cultural heritage for development) .
The symbol of the proposed Logotype incorporates all this and goes beyond.
Through its geometric shapes (drawn in an axonometric grid) the symbol expresses different keys of reading:
- the transparencies of the colors create a continuum between exterior and interior, a desire to make these two parts dialogue;
- shapes with different colors evoke different contexts (Renaissance, nature, architecture);
- the internal form that becomes at the same time "symbol" (the key with which one enters inside Palazzo Vertemate Franchi, a place where arts and crafts develop).
With the same forms of the Symbol a dynamic pattern is generated which is used to realize the institutional coordinated image.
The central element of the Symbol (the key) is instead used for the visual communication of merchandising, produced inside the VertemateLab, creating a visual sub-system, deriving from and in close connection with the Brand.